Surgery Consent Form

Thank you for giving Demanes Animal Hospital the opportunity to care for your pet(s). Please help us better meet your needs by taking a few moments to fill out this form before your visit.

Surgery Consent Form

We are glad to have the opportunity to care for your pet. To ensure your pet gets the best care we can offer, please fill out the following form completely.
I authorize the doctors and staff of Demanes Animal Hospital to perform the following surgical, medical, dental, or
All pets staying for hospitalization are required to be current on vaccines and fecal tests.
All anesthetic and surgical procedures have some risk involved regardless of breed, sex, or the age of the pet. Therefore, blood and organ function tests are highly recommended prior to anesthesia or surgery. Anesthetic agents are blood and organ function tests that are highly recommended prior to anesthesia or surgery. Anesthetic agents are removed from the body by the lives and kidneys, so it is important to know the results before administering to ensure that these organs are functioning normally, if blood or organ dysfunction is found before anesthesia is administered, appropriate steps can be taken to ensure the safety of your pet.
You may select to have these inexpensive tests performed by checking the appropriate box below. Our laboratory is fully equipped and staffed to perform these blood tests. Depending on the blood test, some results may be received within the next day(s). if there is any indication of an abnormality, we will contact you before proceeding or take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of your pet.
Pain medication is included with all surgical procedures, however, the pain medication administered before the procedure may not be long-lasting, and oral pain medication may or may not be dent home depending on the procedure(s). The doctors/staff will discuss any medications at pick up. If there is a certain medication your pet cannot receive, tell doctors or staff for notation. All clients admitting a pet for anesthesia/surgery must check YES OR NO for the blood screen testing, If YES, Please select which blood screen you would like performed on your pet.
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